WAYS - OF ESCAPE. By Noel -Forrest. (Constable. 7s. 6d.
net.)—A most able and intelligent fictitious biogiaphy this, of Stephen Heath, who believed as a boy that whoever wants his ends wholly must secure them. He grew up aloof and successful, married and continued to live even more in- humanly aloof. and dominant.. His children- learnt fo fear; - thin fo hate.and-deceii-e Min; His wife, all the life crushed-out ofher by the hardness of a husband who dictated even the meals in her house, even the clothes she wore: died_by. inches consoling herself with the ghost of an unhappy love for another Man. At last the man's own success recoiled on himself, Avoided and detested by everyone, he is forced to face a world which, even if he could conquer over again, would mean nothing to him. His story, which succeeds in keeping him human for all his unpleasant peculiarities, is told chiefly as it concerns his family and associates. It is presented tux. affectedly, freshly and well. The hero's character is-conceived with great breadth, his inhumanity is not laboured, and its effects strike the reader as inevitable, not as author's invention.