21 AUGUST 1926, page 14

The Bible In Afrikaans

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—In your issue of August 7th you comment, in the column headed " Speetabilia," on the "Dutch Professor who will leave Holland next year for......

Homecrofting In India

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,--I should be glad if you would kindly allow me to draw attention to the propaganda Calcutta University has been carrying out for the......

" Disciplina Giuridica "

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sta—In the Spectator of July 10th a correspondent in Italy gave a sympathetic account of the new Fascist labour policy. Inevitably,......

"a New Messiah"

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—In answer to Mr. Wren's letter, my informant was not an "Anglo-Indian gossip," but a lady closely connected in those .days with the very......

Reclaimed Land For Small Holdings

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Ant,—The cost of small holdings to tax and ratepayers is so enormous, and the disturbance to the farming community in the course of their......

• Byron, Waller And Aesop

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Mr. H. C. Minchin's article in the Spectator of August 14th, on "Literary Coincidences," it is assumed that Byron, consciously or......

A Traveller- Over Two Continents

[To the Editor of the Simerwrou.] Sxa,—My copy of the Spectator goes to a lady in Scotland , who sends it to another in Lugano, who sends it to me, who sends it to the Warden of......