IA Book' Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened after noon on Tuesday week, September lit, addressed Crossword, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the NUMBER of he puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will he published In the following issue,]
1. Confiding attitude of the card-player. (4, 2, 4.) 6. He might go free in some circum- stances. (4.) 10. " It is charming to totter into (Walpole). (5.)
11. It takes shape more readRy. (9.) 12. They stay and pay. (8.) 13. These Arabs don't seem to he in their own country. (6.)
15. " Frxit pursued by a -" (Shakespeare). (4.)
16. It may be put on with a brush or otherwise. (4.) 17. Precise. (5.) 20. The subjective ego. (5.) 21. 1 take sides with the politician. (4.) 22. Milton's sweetest nymph. '(4.) 24. To a gnu it changes. (6.) 26. Not Shakespeare's spelling, but well said. (S.) 29. A word to a goose after which I divide the. Poetess. (9.) 30. Town of sailors ? (5.) 31. Home-town of Robinson Crusoe. (4.) 32. Bottom was. (10.)
1. He is about four, (5.)
2, " The - Life-in-Death was she " (Coleridge). (9.) 3. Ladies alter their make-up. (6.) 4. Sit in choir. (Anag.) (JO.) 5. One scIdom'chooses one's own. (4.) 7. Divided flavour. (5.) 8. A majority of one, it seem_ on the field. (6, 3,) 9. Pass the bracts. (7.) 14. His rocket didn't go up but was on the right lines. (10.) 15. Destination of exiled horticulturists ? (6. 3.) 18. Act thrice. (Anag.) (9.) 19. Mixed order to charity makes for Peace. (7.)
23. " His - was striking. resistless and grand " (Goldsmith). (6.) 25. House engulfed in a tarn. (5.) 27. It puts an end to Tariff Reform. (5.)
28. " A rim and a hone and a hank of " (Kipling). (4.)