The unpleasant trade in horseflesh which was so exhaustively recorded by the Aland/ester Guardian last year shocked the Civil Service and Parliament into quick action. The......
Moroccan Crisis
While the French government is struggling with the strikes, a crisis has developed in Morocco. lntrigues by El Glaoui, the pro-French Pasha of Marrakesh, culminated last week in......
Karachi : Srinagar : Delhi
The dismissal from office twelve days ago of the Prime Minister of Kashmir, Shaikh Abdulla, by the Head of State (the son of the late Maharajah whom Shaikh Abdulla himself......
Two Nations In France
The recall of the French National Assembly is confidently expected for next week, and M. Laniel is not , going to be in a strong position to face it. Throughout the last few......
The Nigerian Conference ' Though Mr. Lyttelton Had Agreed...
Conference on the Nigerian constitution should be played to a finish, with no fixed time limit, there seemed some prospect of a decision being reached this week. Now the......