21 AUGUST 1964, Page 17

SIR,—Could Gillian Hawtin kindly give,, 'chapter and verse' for •the

'money' Parliament provides' for the upkeep Of the Church of 'England? I cannot recollect* any ocCasion on which the Chancellor has made stich 'provision in his annual Budget.

Some people may hold the view that endowments —money given • by paSt churchfolk for the specific purpose of assisting this or that aspect of church life and work—sh'otild properly belong to the State, though most fair-minded persons would consider this as unfair as, say, alienating money left' to cancer research to be spent on atom bombs.

A large 'proportion of the Church's income comes directly out • of the pockets of the churchpeople themselves. If the State. will relieve me of this necessity I should not cavil, but I have yet to learn that this is so.


St. John's, Lansdowne Road, Angmering, Sussex