21 AUGUST 1964, page 19

What Will Jones Swallow?

SIR,—After enjoying last Christmas the rare pleasure' of listening to Mr. Henry Fairlie opening a sale of work in his ancestral Nonconformist chapel, was interested to sec him......

This Pleasant Lea

By TERENCE BEND1XSON Not that this matters. The point is they are there. They are the vanguard of a tide of city dwellers who are going to have more and more time to do as they......

Sir,—simon Raven In His Review Of Mr. Mont- Gomery Hyde's

History of Pornography writes, 'As Mt'. Montgomery Hyde points out, it [an amiable attitude towards sex] was the standard attitude of all educated men until St. Paul and the......

Si R> --- Surely Quoodle Has Missed The Point In His...

the Guardian and its attitude to the U nited States. There are a great many people in was country who are tired and frightened by the American habit of gambling with our lives......

Orthodox Christians Owe A Great Debt Of Gratitude To Mr.

Henry Fairlie for his excellent article `What Will Jones Swallow?' A real debt of gratitude is also due to the Editor of the Spectator for printing this. Bishops have all......