It is reported that Dr. Bowstead, Bishop of Sodor and Man, will be the new Bishop of Lichfield.
The Duke of Palmella has published a positive denial of a statement in the Morning Chronicle, that Queen Adelaide had in his presence, at Lisbon, spoken of Queen Victoria in terms of censure or depreciation.
We have the pleasure to state that the Duke of Wellington now enjoys better health than than he has experienced for the last seven years.—Morning Post.
The Earl of Ludlow has presented the Duke of Bedford with 100,000/.—the stun he intended to have bequeathed to his Grace ; but by snaking it a gift, the payment of legacy-duty is avoided.
The Quotidienne states that the health of Count Pozzo di Borgo con- tinues indifferent. He has lucid intervals in the morning, but soon his ideas are confused, and he is incapable of any important occupation.
A letter from Rome describes the Duke of Bordeaux, now sojourning in that city. "The young prince is fair, with pleasing manners, with tact and sense in his conversation. He resembles Louis the Eighteenth, with the light colouring of the Naples branch of his family. Every Sunday he holds a circle and one by invitation during the week, which are attended by all the circle, French, and occasionally by the English families here, Shrewsburys, Walpoles, De Manleys, Beverleys, Percys, Lllisous, &c., without distinction of party." Marshal Bourmont is with the Duke, much to the annoyance of the Yrench Government.