21 DECEMBER 1839, page 3
A Quarterly Genoa', Coort Of East India Proprietors Was Held
at the India House on Wednesdey. The Chairman, Sir Richard Jenkins, an- nounced that the Court of Directors had ; on the I lilt instant, mani- mously passed vGtes of tllanks tu,......
Mr. Harvey Has Taken Formal Leave Of The Electors Of
Southwark in a published address, commencing as follows- " Having reason to apprehend that my continued silence may give coun- tenance to unworthy artifices, I anticipate my......
Iglu _metropolis.
At a meeting of the Court of Aldermen on Tuesday, a letter was read from Alderman Birch, resigning his gown for the Ward of Candle- wick, after having worn it for upwards of......