The Commission of , he iiiul y of the Church of
Scotland met, after :it:jeer:mess ,. esi ay. sase the Ilth in on; when a ques-
tion essential ly th , ease .a eleed in the famous Auehterarder
case was bretta 7 ';': a c the proceed i ngs of the Commis-
hien intellieible, it is emution—that in I a1J7, a presentation of the Revert:ea a tr. I . ,ae itving of Manumit had been sus- tained by the Pr: tie; that in laaa, the General As-
sembly deter:M:1, O.- Veto Ian. end remitted" to the
Presbytery to rid- ' • that in lane, the General Assembly
again expressly not take any steps towards admitting Mr. lea id t, .e, navereadess, the Presbytery-, pre- ferring to obey the: Cdelsim, of am Court of .ie,;sion and of the House of :Lords as given in II •. at • e t. tu.'1-7'ted Mr. Edwards to the hiving of fh"....:n•„-b, ',y to 4. Mr. Candli,:h length, submitted a motion to
the Assembly to ettspeem -eat imms;:ers forming the majority, from " the exercise if lauetions," and to authorize the
" renhment and , mbers to " repent" any of their susi-.ezeled !!, mpehr 'persmdliy and subscribe an thm ,,Ives to the judications of the Church it1 thh tad i but not otherwise ;" and in the meanwhile, to precise a state: !iitisa.,rial services for the
parishes under fat eon, •hdel men.
The motion at a., ,•‘. r.ed 1.,:h1 Provost of Glasgow, Dr.
Al.erdetn, and. Dr. Cha.mers.
Dr. Let denied that ....atian:zing the Assembly to buspend the ministers..
Dr. Bryce said the Prestylery of Stnst:thogie had only obeyed the Jaw of the hand; and he leaved an amendment--that the Commission Approve of the conduct of the Presbytery, and refer the matter to the next Cameral Asssielay.
Dr. Muir an:pas,: as, :71r amendment—expressing disapproval of the conduct of the Piet! s tees-, appointing a Committee to confer with
the Preebytery, and pestamang proceedings to the meetiug of the General Assembly.
It was decided, by a vote of 13 to a, that the question should be taken on Dr. Muir 's 'width., and Mr. Candlish's ; when titire appeared—
For 14
For Air. Cahdli.h.-:. 121 The announcement M.' numbers was received, with, loud cheers and clapping of hatia, by pessoes in the body and in the galleries of the Tolbooth Churen, where the Commission sat.
Protests against the decision is ere presented on behalf of the Strath- bogie Presbytery, and by six inemaers of the Assembly ; also by the agent of the Pr.iebyt ery—alm latter di staring that each and all of the parties accessory to the vote just recorded, should be held liable for the damage inflicted on the suspended mieisters, by proceedings "arbitrary, illegal, oppressive, and in evident contempt of the law of the land."
lt was agreed, nu Mr. I atnloida motion, that this protest should, be received, but that the p trties to it should be cited to appear before the next Cameral A sseemly, ti answer fur " a gross contempt to the Suprolie Court."