On the 15th inst., at the Marquis of Downshire's, Hanover Square, Lady MARY Moo, Of a son.
Ott the 13th inst., at Takely Vicarage, Essex, the Lady of the Rev. CHARLES CLAuxE, of
On the Nth inst., at Hanover Street, Hanover Square, the Lady a the 'Rev. Ronor LoreTr, of a daughter.
On the ltith list., at Ham, Sorry, the Lady of W. James. Esq., M.P., of a son. Ou the 16th inst., nit West Alvington Vic'arage', Devon, the Lady oldie Bev. DoccmAs MAcnox.‘tas, or a danghter. Ou the 15th inst., in Southampton Row, the Wife ur the Rev. E. A. Imayowomm, of a sou.
On the 15th inst., at Grove Hall, Hammersmith, the Lady of Dr. IlvAtc, of Charlotte Street, Bloomsbury, Bedford Square, of a daughter. On the Oth inst.. at Munster House, Fulham, the Lady of ionic LArME, Esq., of 15011.
On the 16th inst. at St. George's, Hanover Square, the l'iscowat PALmEnsiuN, to the Dowager Countess 'CoIFFER, Widow of the late Earl Cowper, and only sister of Vis- count Melbourne.
On the 17th October, at Rio do Janeiro, Enmoxn TtnEttallEIX, Esq., Consul of his *Majesty the King of Belgium, to Cr. sat third daughter of John Henry Freeze.
On ilw 17th inst., at Marylebone Chttreh, Captain Movr,F, of the Eighteenth 11 .yal Irish, to MARIE Ax.rorNErre, daughter of the late John Swaby, Esq.
On the 16th inst., at Powderham Castle, near Exeter. the Countess of DF.YOX. On the 10th inst., at Breed's Place, Haitings, Lady Movromr.E. On the Illth just., at his residence at Bath, Admiral WM. Mammon, G.C.B., arid G.C.H.
On the Halt inst., at Woodstock, from an injury she received by as fall from her horse when hunting, Mrs. l'Auokut, the Lady of T. A. W. Parker, Esq., M.P, fur Oxfordshire, in her 21st year.
On the 18th inst., at her residence in Bedford Square, Lady Woon, Relict of Sir Georg.. Wood, Knight, late one of the Barons of the Court of Exchequer. On the 13th inst., rat his residence, Argyll P are, it'p'unt Street, Major IIEXor MEE* CER, late of the Hon. East India Company's Service, m hits Alb year. On the 11111 inst., at Liverpool, the Rev. RICH mm, Cs trw ELT., in his 61st Year. In May last, in his 19th year, on the NortleweA Coast uf Australis'. while engagenl in an expedi Mu of discovery, Fat:11E111c Cool: SMITa. 110 was the eldest son of ()r,ta- tins II. Smith, Esq., urlimmes Bank, Westminster.
On the 19th ult., at Wester &ration, Lord Ruay's country, Mr. JAMES N' Kay, mr his 103t1 year.