The Paris papers mention the escape of the Count de
Crotty Chanel. in custody on a charge of being implicated in the Bonapartist conspiracy. From the different accounts, the Times selects the following particulars of the escape-
" The Count, who with his eldest brother, the Marquis de Crony Chanel, was arrested some three weeks since charged with treason, had been confined in the prison of the Conciergerie, whence he was brought each day to the office of M. Zangiacomi to undergo examination. This office being in the body of the building, (the Palais de Justice,) of which the Conciergerie may be deemed the ground story, it was not considered necessary to observe much precaution respecting the prisoner. He was guarded on those occasions by a single gendarme. On Tuesday evening, when his examination far that day was over, the prisoner and his escort left the office of the examining Judge to descend to the prison. Outside the door was a lady, who claimed to be the wife of the Count. The gendarme, through kindness, complaisance, weaknese, or corruption, allowed them to leave the building together, and take the air on the adjoining quay under his observation. The consequence was, that the prisoner and his alleged wife disappeared from the view of the gen- darme ; who immediately repaired to a wine-shop, and, after plentiful libations, returned to his barrack to confess his fault or his crime. The lady was taken into custody on Wednesday, but the Count is not yet arrested."