arrived—At Gravesend, Dec. 15th, Mona, Glass; Nine, Penny; and Ann Lackerby, .Burt, from Bengal; W. Parker, Sewell; and Galatea, Protattbut, from the Cape. 16111, Jastitia, Bentley ; and Antigua Packet, M'Kuight, from Bengal ; and Lively, Parker, from the Cape ; 17th, Theresa, Young, from Bengal ; and British Isle, Gra- ham, front Siugapore; 15th, Eden, Noble, from Ben ttl; and Euphrates, Buckinghatn, from Madras; 19th, David Scott, Spence ; and St, \lucent. Muddle, from China; and Eleanura, Wallace, from Bengal; awl 20th, Maitland, Baker, from Ditto. At Deal, 19th, Emma. Mann, from Madras; and 20th, Esther, Heron, Rom Bengal. Oil' the Wight, 19th, Thetis. Ferrier, front Bombay. At Liverpool, 14th, Volunteer, MMinn ; anti Frankland, Purnell, from Bengal; 15th, Caledonia, Strogan, from Bombay ; 16th, Bengt lee, Ihnuliu, from Bengal; and British Merchant, Birnie, from Bombay.; 18th, Caledonia, Caonell, from ditto ; and 19th, Enterprise, —, from Bengal. At St. Helena, October 28th, Morrison, Benson, from China ; October 30th. Port- sea, Lowe, from ditto; November the 1st, Mary Ann, Jones, from Bengal. 2d, Brothers, Murdoch, from Months; and Margaret, Cannev, from Bengal. At the Cape. Sept. 16th, Reform, Bauman ; and 17111, Emma, Chapman, from Loudon ;
Oet. 7th, Lord Ihnigerfurd, Saunders, front Bengal; 9.11, Caroline. and Thomas Snook, Stacey, front London ; and Cognac Packet, Todhunter, front Liver- pool. At Mc ii titus, Zoe. Holmes, front Liverpool; and Apprentice, Cadenhead, front London. At Batavia, Aug. 14th, Peru, Hughes, from Liverpool; and 15th, Lascar, "Mackie. front Clyde. Sailed-From Gravesend, Dee. 17th, Abel Gower. Henderson, for Minim): ; and 18th, Alexander Johnstone, M' Donald, for Bengal. From LiverpOul, 15th, Colchester, Withers; and 15th, W. Sharpless, Jones, for Bombay.