The Prince Consort's death has deranged not a few plans,
as IselPitgOlighted many hopes. He had been one of the befriends Of the Social Science Association, and there were well-grounded hopes that he would have presided at the next meeting of that Association, in May, 1862. It was not so to be, and his death prevented tile preliminary meet- ing in the Mansion House, which we last week announced as fixed to take place yesterday, in order to arrange the details of the London session of next year. This meeting now stands postponed till after the holidays, but a few points are definitivelyfixed. An Executive Committee has been formed, for the purpose of carrying on the necessary prepa- rations, and Mr. G. W. Hastings has been appointed its chairman. Finance and Foreign Secretaries have also been appointed, and the date ef the ineettieg fixed for the 4th of June, 1862.