(By Telegram through M. Reukr's Office.) FRANCE. Tun Pap defends the right of any State in a Federation to draw therefrom at its own good pleasure. with-......
Italy. Timm, Thursday.
In to - day's sitting of the Chamber of Deputies a letter from Signor Ratazzi was read, announcing that the state of his health compelled him to resign the Presidency of the......
Prices Current.
FOREIGN FUNDS. (Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.. Belgian 41 — Ditto 21 — Brazilian 5 — B uenos Ayres.--- 6 — Chilian a — Danish s — Ditto 3 —......
subscriptions to the *FRIEND OF INDIA," and OVERLAND FRIEND OF INDIA," Will be received by Mr. £5. Galloway, at No. 1, Well Strand, London. Terms : Per Annum, payable in......
44t Coart.
(From the "Court Circular.") WINDSOR CASTLE, Dac. 14.—His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales arrived at the Castle at three o'clock this morning, from Madingly Hall, attended by......
Births. On The 11th Inst., At Niddrie House, Near Edinburgh,
the Hon. Mrs. De Molerier of a son. On the 14th inst., at 63, Eocleston-square, the Hon. Mrs. Russell, of a daughter. On the 15th inst., at Worsboro' Hall, Barnsley, the Hon.......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCELANG3, FRIDAY EVENDIG. As the termination of the year approaches, the demand for money steadily augments, and this week an increased discount business has been done......