ITALY. Timm, Thursday.
In to-day's sitting of the Chamber of Deputies a letter from Signor Ratazzi was read, announcing that the state of his health compelled him to resign the Presidency of the Chamber. Signor Minghetti proposed that the Chamber should express a desire that Signor Rata= might retain the post, at least until the end of the session.
The proposal was unanimously agreed to.. Baron Ricasoli declared that the Ministry would not prorogue the Chamber until the bills presented by the Government had been fully discussed.
T1TRIN, Thursday. According to news received here from Naples, the band of Cipriani has been routed with the loss of 100 killed and 20prisoners.
The Bourbon General Marcelli was arrested while in the act of re- ceiving a letter addressed to him by Francis IL The eruption of Vesuvius is diminishing in force. The sismograph, however, continues to indicate slight shocks of earthquake.