Advices have been received this week from the Cape of Good Hope to the 3d Dee., which enable us, in a great measure, to complete the list of British vessels which have arrived at that colony from Europe, or which have touched there, on their re- spective voyages to or from the East. Several of the homeward-bound ships have arrived in ballast, and will most probably have to leave the place without cargo. The Hedleys, from the Mauritius, has passed St. Helena for Barbadoes, likewise In ballast, and affords another melancholy proof of the extreme distress in which the owners of Bast India shipping are at present involved.
Arrived.-In the Downs, Feb. 19th, Carolina, Fewson, from Batavia, for Amster- dam. Off Portsmouth, Feb. 18th, Lady Holland, Snell, from Calcutta, 13th Aug., Madras, 25th Sept., Cape, 2nd Dec., and St. Helena, 25th Dec. Atrowes,for orders, Feb. 19tb, Ellen, Patternoni frown Reastou.s, Oct,* and,,SLitelenai lath Ilse.
At Madeira, Jan. 1st, Morning Star, Barker, for Madras ; 8th, Henry, Pearson, for Cape ; 9th, Guardian, Dowson, for Batavia; and Elizabeth, Collins, for New South Wales ; and 15th, Elizabeth, Phillips, for Madras, all from London. Jan. 6th, H. M. S. Challenger, from Portsmouth, for the Cape. At Rio Janeiro, Dec. 13th, Resource, Stodhart, from London, for Bengal. At St. Helena, Dec. 13th, Hedleys, Halliburton, from Mauritius, for Barbadoes, in ballast ; 21st, Pero, Rutter, from London •, and George Canning, Burstall, from Cape. At the Cape, Nov. 13th, Comet, Frazer, from Clyde; 14th, Protector, Waugh ; and Superior, Osmond ; 30th, Jessie, Winter ; and Patience, Matthews ; Dec. 1st, Sorry, Dacre ; and W. Han.. nington, Wilcockson, all from London : Dec. 1st, Sydney Packet, Waring, from London and St. Helena ; Nov. 16th, Winscales, Messenger, from Bordeaux ; and Dec. 3rd, Ann, Ruddicombe, from Roclifort. At the Mauritius, Oct. 29th, Home, Younger, from London. At Singapore, in August, Alexander, Ogilvie, from Lon- don and Batavia.
Sailed. From Gravesend, Feb.14th, Milo, Lever, for Batavia ; 16th, Admiral Cock- burn, Kemp, for N.S. Wales ; 17th, Elphinstone, Richardson, for Ceylon ; and Pal- myra, Thompson, for Madras ; 19th, H.C.S. Atlas, Hine, for Bombay and China. Spoken. H.M.S. Faleon, for the Cape, off Rio Nov. 24. Samuel Brown, London for Mauritius, Oct. 4. George Canning, Craig, from Clyde to Bengal, Nov. 9; and W. G. Anderson, AVAlillan, from Clyde to Bombay, Dec. 4-tat. and Ion. not re- ported. Malvina, London to Bombay, Nov. 11,.36 south, 23 east. The Clyde, Munro, which put into Lisbon for ballast, sailed again for Madras Feb. 2.