East India Shipping. Fainev Evening.
Advices have been received this week from the Cape of Good Hope to the 3d Dee., which enable us, in a great measure, to complete the list of British vessels which have arrived......
Distribution Of The Royal Navy In Commission.
WITH vim NAMES OF THEIR CAPTAINS AND STATIONS DURING THE LAST YEAR, DROUGHT UP TO JANUARY 1:+29L* [From the United Service Joaroul, No. II.] (Concluded from our last No.) Ship.......
From The London Gazettes.
Tuesday, Feb. 17. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. T. Cole, AL Holder, and E. M. Cole, Bristol, wholesale linen-merchants (so far as regards AL Holder)-T. Needham, jun. and E. Baker,......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Be ;mtg.-At Jardine-hall, on the 10th inst. the Lady of Sir William Jardine, of Applegarth, Bart. of a son and heir-At Hainton-hall, Mrs. Edward Howard, of a son and heir-At......