and COLBURN, MURRAY, and LONGMAN, will rid themselves of brilliancy
; but it struck us that she did not succeed in giving it all their plagues by process of law. We ourselves, as newspaper the appropriate character of expression, so completely as her less editors, could deliver to the care of the prochain ami a flock of swans scientific predecessor. For example, " Ai capricci," which is the with the songs of geese and the conceit of nightingales. only good piece we recognize in the opera, Madame RONZI D.I3 To continue— BEGNIS used to sing with a piquant archness and a vivacity just
" Personal vanity was the leading feature of his complaint : he fancied dashed with bitterness : PISARONI, on the other hand, sings it with he was the most perfect Adonis of the day, and that his writings far stir- positive fierceness ! As dramatic music should have its dramatic! passed Shakspeare in elegance of composition." style, we consider her, in respect of this performance, less admira-
Why, there are thousands such as he ; and if this be insanity, no ble than the former artiste. The severest trial to which her natural coxcomb or puppy is safe ! Good Sir RICHARD PHILLIPS has disadvantages could be put, is certainly in the part of Isabella, who shown Sir ISAAC NEWTON an ass in comparison with himself; should have all the smartness and the personal excuses of a co- and according to our observation, the writer is very moderate who quette. The first scene with the Dey is particularly unlucky ; as only conceits himself superior to SHAKSPEARE, or any other single the Infidel's manifestation of surprise would seem referable to a genius. We could instance a dozen, who, in their respective per- cause other than the author has intended, or the plot of the piece formances, excel SHAKSPEARE in the drama, MILTON in poetry, admits of. This contre-temps would not be of much consequence, BACON in philosophy, Swirl' in wit, GIBBON in research. The if the music permitted the artist to show her art ; but as such is person in question appears really to be a modest and moderate not the case, we think the choice of character unfortunate.
man, for he finds some to praise besides himself:-- Signor VINCENZA GALLI made his first appearance as the re.
" He said he was a great admirer of poetry, and more particularly of presentative of the Dey. His voice is a bass of some power and the writings of Chaucer, Waller, and Milton, and was also a great admirer richness, but there is a fault in the delivery of it which mates- of Shakspeare, and particularly of the play of Othello. He was requested rially impairs the effect. Occasionally it comes through the nose, to favour the Commissioners with a specimen of his poetry ; and taking which is a very ill-chosen passage for the transmission of sounds ; up a sheet of paper, wrote the following lines:
" The flowers that are large—interfering seem, and sometimes he sings as if he had hot batter-pudding in his
Now if such poetry as this is to affect a, man with a judgment of, ANGEL! was the Taddeo ; and mimicked DE BEGNIS in that part i insanity, what is to become of WoanswoarH and COLERIDGE, not with exactly so much success as to excite the keenest regrets at to mention a heap of other less-honoured names ? If the first, in the absence of that prince of buffos.