H. B. anticipating the desertion of tiler principles by those two recreant Radicals Cobbett and Burdett, has represented them as sup- porters of the Crown, in an " Original Design for a King's Arms for the new Speaker's Chair." The way in which the forms of the men are made to imitate the action of the heraldic brutes—Coma:TVs phiz looking most lugubrious as the lion, BURDETT with his " horn exalted," and both with their tails curled in proper fashion—is extremely ludi. crous.
In continuation of the " Omnibus" simile, H. B. has brought two of the " Cast-off Maehiners," Cupid and Soinnus, to the hammer. The King, as auctioneer, is asking John Bull for a bidding; but John will have none of them. The coachman, PEEL—a capital likeness —and his cad, WELLINGTON, recognize the nags. ALTI10111' and BROUGHAM are looking OIL
Lord 13am:cusses recent visit to the King of the French, is the subject of a clever sketch of the meeting of " The Schoolmasters Abroad."