21 FEBRUARY 1835, page 2

The Committee Of The House Of Representatives As Well As

that of the Senate of the United States, have remlved io withhold their repot t on the question of the Indemnity, until they should ascer- tain the decision of the French......

The French Chamber Of Deputies Have Agreed, By A Majority

.of 241 to 140, to refer to the consideration of a Committee the question of continuing the monopoly of the tobacco manufacture to the Government. M. MARTIN DU NORD, one of the......

The Insurrection In Persia Has Been Suppressed ; The...

to the throne having submitted to the son of ABBAS MIRZA, who was energetically supported by both the English and Russian Ministers.......

News Of The Week.

Being aware of the extraordinary exertions used by the Minis- terial minority to insure the success of their candidate, we are not surprised at the large number they brought to......

Martinez De En Rost Has Recovered From His Illness. There

is still a good deal of intrigue and uncertainty relative to the ap- pointment of the War Minister, LLAUDER'S successor. DE LA ROSA declares his resolution to resign the......

Prbated Ant! Prorttningd In Vadiantritt.

THE first ..ession of the second Reformed Parliament was opened on Thursdey, the day appointed for the return of the writs. Unusual in- , terese wits excited on this occasion ;......