Acheson. Viset , Armagh C. Adam, C., Claehmonnao Kinr. C. Al ionby. 11..1.. Coyle ',Hotel& Alston. R.. Hertfordshire Andover, Lord, Matairsl,ory Anson, Sir G., Lick/b./4 Ast ley, Sir J.. Norri7r, Attwood, T., Birmingham flog-haw. J., Sari(alry Baines, E., Idiots llannerman..1., Aberdeen Barelav, Sunderbout Barhain..L. Kcird'it Baring. F. T.. .Portsmao'h Barnard. E. G., Greeorriell Barron. II. W., Illiterford City Barry, G. S. Corit County Ileauelerk, A. NV.,,Ss;ry. Eqs( Beaumont, T., Nortletnel,enuied, Bellew, It. M , Louth C. Bellew, Sir P., Louth C. Berkeley, If in. C. F. Cheltenh Berkeley, 1111. 1 17,../CPS.ITS. Ir.
11..,kmey, lit.. Giouceshr CI.
Itorkester llewes, T., E./in/or/1r liiiblulph, It., nere.rini Dish, T., Leominster 1.11.ickburte...1., //a ryficht Blake. M. J., Galway C■ty III:noire. W.. Crool.,.'and, East Blind, Sir C. It.. LCIITS Bodkin. J. J., Galway C. Bowes, .1., Durham, South Ilowring, Dr.. Kilmarnock aliazon, Sir W. J., ,l/a.fio C'. ltraily, D. C„ Newry Bridgman, 11., En3iS Bo stir, W. B., Nen' Sara/a Brotlierton, J.. Sapid Browne. 0.„ Mao littelsinglmin, .1 's Buller, E.. St Nor ih Buller, C.. .Lislo ord 11111wer, 11. L., Margie!, me Bolwer, E.. Lisetda C ly Bunion, 1V. W.. Weymouth Burton, II. P. Iterrrley Butler, Hon. P., Ki.kenny C. Buxton. T. F.. Weymouth
llyng. Sir .1 Po,/e Campbell, Sir J., Edinburgh Carter. .1, II., Portsmouth Caw, 0., Tipperary Cavendish. Hon. C.C., SIISSPY E. Cavendish. Iln. (;., Derbohire, N. Cayley, E. S., Vinkelaire. North Chalmers. P., 31ontrose Chapman, M. L., Wes/nicath Chetwynil, NV. F., StatT,rit Chichester, J. P. II.. Barostaple Clay, W., Tower Handers Clayton, Sir W., Great Marlow Clive. E. Ii.. llere..ford . Cockerell, Sir C.. Ereshans Co Magnin, Sir E., Derimport Collier, J., Plymouth Conynglaam. 1..d. A., Canterkury Coukes. T. II., Igreestershire, E. Cowper, lion. W , Hrtfkrd Crawford, W wI n Craw rind, W. S.. Anoka 'Crawley. S.. Bedfirrit Crompton, S., 'Elijah Curteis, It. B., Sussex, East Curteis, E. 11....nw Dalineny. Lord Stirling D,, Beauvoir, Sir J., Jinetsar Denison. W. J., Surly. West Denniston, A., Dumbartonshire Divett, E., Exeter Dobbin, L , Armagh Town Doultin. Sir It. S., Berwick Buncombe, T.S., Fitt/bury Bonitos. thou. T.. Richmond Dttudas, Hon. J. C., F..rk City Dunlop. C.. Glasgow Dykes. F. L., Cockermouth Ebrington. Lord, Dermahire, Nt,rth Edwin's, .1., Illontgoinery Elphinstone, 11., Hastings Etwall, R , Andover Evans, Colonel, II estminster 0 , Thrblin C. wart, W., Lir/rim-I razakerlev../. N.. Peterbormigh Fellowes. lion. N., Devonshire, N. Fergie., .1.. Kirkcaldy Ferguson, Sir R. C.. N,Ifinghrtyn Fergusson. Hon. It.. Kir hemibriyhts. Ffreneli. F. S.. llosrom mon Fintr.W . F.. Killo any C. Fitzgibbon, lion. It., Limeriek C. Fitzroy, Lord C.. Bury St. Ed ind'e FR*0..4111011, N.. 'ounly Fitzsin ,,,,, C., Dublin C. Folkes, Sir W. J., Nurivik, /rest Fort, J., Ciithcro Fox, C. II., Stn.ud
Gahkell. D., Wolof ir.'d W. D., Ettleirk
Si isborne. T.. Derbyshire, North Gordon, It. Cricklade Grant, Hon. C //rerfti•sg.shire Grattan, 11....11ra'll Grattan. J., Wiekbne Grey, Hon. C., Wymoole Grey. Sir G , Dermport Grosvenor, Lord It., Chest. r Grote, G., L. »don Guest 1 I , Merthyr Gully. J., Ponielra, I
I hail ybuu it. Pori. D., Forfiirghire Harland, NV. C., Duller or C,ti Homey, D. Ir.. Southwark Hawes, II., Lambeth II awkin, J. II Newport, Me of W. Ilay. Colonel Elgin ittiulhiCitti', .1., Ticerton Ileatlicote, It. E., Stoke rpm. Treat Ileetor. C. 3., PrterItirbi Pettifog... E., Great tirion:ly Heron. Sir It., Peterbon ugh Ilinilley , C.. Ashton-undr r -Lyn, Ilubliouse. Sir .1. C., Nottioyham llodges, T. 1... Krul. I 1-cst 1 balges. 'r., Rochester Holland, E., Worcezdershire, East Hoskin:, K. Ilerrfirdshira Ilos amt. lion C. ,l/oeic/h 'toward, I'. II., Carli:le Viset., Norlhumher:roa, N. II time, .1.. Middle e r unipliery, J., South rcork Hurst, It. II.. Horsham Hit,. NV., Kings'on.orp,n -11,111 Jervis, J., Chester Jo'anston. A., St. Andrews Kemp. T. II., Lewes Kenuetiv, .1., Tieerton Kerry, Earl of. Caine King, E. IL. Wartrick Latium:here, II.. Taunton
Lauda/in. IL. N,rth
Leader, .1. T.. Bridgewatr r Lerevre, C. S.. Hampshire, .V • Lemon. Sir C., Cornwall, His,. Lenntiol, T. IL, illohloa Lister, E. C., Br/4,rd Littleton, Rt. Ha. E. J., Stafford, S /Ault, J.. Wick Locke, W., Derizes Lopes, Sir R., Westbury Lumley, Lord, Nottinghamshire, X. tushington, Dr., 'Inter Ilarn.ets Lushisigton, C., Ashturtim Lynch. A. II., Galway Mackenzie, A. J. S.. Ross-shirc Macleod, R., Suthertoodshire Mactaggart, 3.. Wigton. Burghs Macnomara, W. N., 'taro aLer, J., We.r.Prd C. Mangles, J.,Guildfbrd M arjor ihanks, S.. II ythe Marshall. W., Carlisle Marslawl, 11., S.!/.ekport Martin, T., Galway Mottle, Pun. F.. Perthshire Maxwell, J., Lanarkshire 111. onee..1., Bey;at Methueu. P., ii/shire, North Molesworth. Sir W., Cornwall, E. Moreton, Iln. A.. Glourestersh. Morpeth. Lord, Yo•ksbire. W. R. Mosley. Sir 0 ,StVfordslire, N. Mostyn, Hon. E. M. L., Fiintshire Mullins, F. W„ Kerry 'idun:iv, J. A., Leith Musgrave, Sir IL, ll'aterford, C. Nagl'. Sir R.. Wc•lthettilt North. F.. Ihotings O'Brien. C., Clare O'Brien. W. S,Lio trick C. 01'orinell, M., :Heath O'Connell. IL Dubli.1 City O'Connell, J., Youqhat O'Connell, M. J.. kerry O'Connell, M., Tntlee I/Connor. F., Cork C. O'Connor Don, P .• Iowans O'Dwyer. A. C., Drogheda 0•Ferrall, R. M., Kildare 01.phaut, 1... Perth O'Loughlin, Si , Dungan:an Ord, W. 11 , report Ord, W., Newcastle' u.-T. Oswald, R. A.. .4 yr,hire 0 avow Paget. F., ntatimoris Palmer, C., Ba/h Parker, .1., Sh/j/ieht l'arnell. Sir II.. Ihe.der Parrott, .1., rotor se Pan y, L. 1'. J., Cto narrm Pat i ism.. J.. / m Pea.% J., Durham, Smth Pelham. liii. I.'. A. W., t,ioambi■hire l'endarv es. E. W'., f'..rno all, II'. Pep) s. Sir C. C., .3/41/ on Peri in, L.. Cm.he/ Philips, G. It.. Kidd, mire, a Xl.„1/aoche'ti r . 'it.. /..ume Regis Ilim. J. G. B., Deify l'onee. it., I li„orn Poniter, J. S., Shofieskury Power, .1., rd C. KA, cr. P.. Wo-t. rIC.irt C. h",% air. W. S.. Maihorst rt ice, sir R., 'hoof oddrire, yam% G.. Comb, hive
Itautsbottorn, J., IVindsor 11.nosden. J. C.. Mallon
It ice. Rt. lion. T. S.. Cambridge Rippon, C., Gateshead lb/harts. A. W., Maidstone Itoche, W., 1.imerhh City
ltoelso, D., Limerick City
Roebuck, J. A.. Bath Rolfe. It. M., l'enrhyn llonaytie. D.. Clot.mel 10oper..1. B.. Dun inydonshire E undell. J., Tcri•tock Itit 'sell. Lord .1., Ji tons/-ore, South Rii•sell, Lord, Toristock Russell. Lord C. J. F., Belerd,hire Itutliven, E., AVdare R ut Wren, E. S.. Dul,:in Schuletield. J., m Seel', .1. W., II,,orpsh.re, Nor:h Sefor, U. S rend Seale. Colonel, Da too nth 5-3 moor, Lord, 7' loess Shari e. iinny'ries Sited. It. 1.., rirpemrg sheldon, E. R. C., It ars:dash., s. Si1111.011. Sir R. G., Isle if Wight Smith, R. V . Northompton Smith, It., Su& Speirs, Calatiiii. I'M by Spiers. A.. hmOnli
, heslore, North
II.... II. T.. l'reston Stew art, Sir Sd. s., lt, nfretc:hire Stewart, It., nodara.Am Stewart, P. M., Lao, ash, r Strickland, Sir Li., Yorkshire, 11". R. Strott. E , De by Satin, an, IL, Kilkenny Ci'y Sutton, St. 1111. Si,' C. M., Camk. U. Talbot. J. IL, Ross 'tali-our& T. N., 'trading Tanered. 11. NV.. nonhaell Tennyson. Rt. flow C., Lambeth Thompson, I'. It , Yorkshire, E. R. Thompson, I:t. Iln. t: _Manchester Till ,,,,,,,,,,, . lii leerhouipka Tooke, W.. Tear, Townley. R. Si.. CiontrieNes/iire Tracey, C. IL, Tewkesbury Trelawney, Sir W. L., Cornwall, E. Trow bridge, Sir E. T.. Sandwich 'Polk, C. A.. .Poole Tynte, C. K. K., Midge/eater ute, C. J K., Somer.elsh re, Wed Villiers, C. l'., Mdrerhatilptua Sit iii,, .cr.. C:aBieutitrrirl'll
Vivian. J. 11., Swansea Wstktt.y. T.,Fholarry alker, R., Bury
W other. C. A., Wer../rd Totem
NNallace, 11,Greem.ch Wm horror., IL. Bridport Ward, 11.6.. St. Albans Wernyss, J., Fifrshire Wroteura. Pun. Colonel, King's C. NVesteura, Hun, II. IL. Jhortylovi Whalley, Sir S. S. S. B., Aturyle &me Wilbraham, G., Cheshire. South Wilde, T., Newark.upon-Treat Wilkins, W Rodnorshire Willis, J., Haton Williams, W. A., Monmouthshire W„ Curentry Williams, Sir .1 , t'ormarthenshire Williamson, Sir II., Durham. North Wilmington, Sir T. E., Beredb y inuington, 11. 3., Iii.rcestersh.W, Wood, M., I.ondon Wrightson, W. B., N. OMB, rt m 1.1; not Insley. Sir J., Statf,rdshire, S. Wyse. '1'. junior, Il'aterf rd City
Ahercromby, .1., F.dinbur7h Agnew, Sir A., Wigtonshire Ainsworth, P., Bolton Alford, Lord, Bedfordshire A !sager. It .,S East A ligersteim.1.. Greenwich A rimilioat, Hon. 11„ Kineardiaer. B. jun., F.-r,aunlyig C. Ashley. Lord. Thwart hire Attwout, Si., Whitehormt Itagot, Hon. W., DcribIihshire Bailey, J., Worcester City Haan.., II. D.. Monitors Bainbridge, C. Barclay, C., Sarry, It est lialfonr, T.. Orkney Baring, F.. Thetford Ittring, W. B., I/ "Meherter Baring. Rt. Hon A.. Esser, North Hornig, 11. Ii.. 31urlboratila Mainz, T., fir, at Yarmouth
ilurnelry Draitwirh
Beeson, Sir It., 1.011.103rferry C. Beckett, Sir J., Leeds Bell. NI.. Northumbe. land. South Bentinck. Lord is King's Lynn, Beresliwil. Sir J. l'.. Chatham Bethel!, IL, Yorkshire, East .I. I., ll'arri,gton Illaels•stotte,W . S.. lira Linoi,rd lloltloro. II. (l.. Chino reliant Bollirt. W., /10/tos Bonham. F. II,, Harwich Borthwick, P., Freeborn Iii adsllaw, J., Berwhk Braannon. 'I'. NV., Es.e.r.S.,uth
Blownrieg, J. S., Boston
Bruce, land E.. Marlborough Bruce. C. I.. C., /:.rer,:ess itnabla.n. La.. Nor; homptons. N. Bruer., Coloti.d. Carlow C. Bruen, F., Carlow Balkelev, Sir K.. Anglesert Buller, "in .1., Devonshire. South Bartell, Sir C. NI.,:cmc Scurchans Campbell, sir P. 11.. B. rwieltshire Canning, `s.ir S., King's 1.1pm Carruthers, D.. Klojstor u .//utt Castlereagh, Viset., Dow» C. Chandos, Marquis, Buchinihams. Chaplin, T.. Stu mfiwd Chapman. A., Whitby Charlton, E. C., L'al!rb'e Chattertun, C., Cork ('ily
Chichester. A., i,i1,11
Churchill, Lord C., /Coodstock Viset , Ludt tic Clive, Hon. It.. Shrop(h;rc, South Calringtuu, Gamcestire E. Cole, Hon. A. II., Enniskillen I 'isle, Viset . Fralam1;:h upton. II. C.. Hampshire. S. (''sally. E. NI., Donegol Cooper. 11011. II. A.. Dorchester Cooper, E. .1., Sii,;« C. Come. Sir C., Qu..en's C. Copelantl,W . T.. (.0/t rain'
Corlso,!, Line Inshire
(i ri, I I on. II.. Tyrone
.1., lit rbyek n,, South. J., Cr'. es b r Sir C
Denier. iS , Poi-far:iv/ Pare It. W.. ESN., r. S../e/r Darlington, E.nd. Shr.lishire, South Davenport, .1, Stoke rrpou•Trent Denisou. J. E., Nut/iv/min, S. Dick. Q., Maidon Boffin, A. It S..ichamptea "'II. NV. Teolo sbnry Duflield, T., :Thin ol .oi Birgit:de. D. S., II'oriciekddre. IV. Ihttwornbe, Hon. W., Yi.rL . IC. I?. Buncombe, lion. A., East Belford Bonitos, It. A.. /pair!: Ihirhani. Sir P , //,•..i;es East, J. II Winelo str r Eastnor, b sit,.Reigate Eaton, J., Con,brid w-hire Egraton, W. 'I'. Cheshire, Ni r/It Egerton. Sir P., Cheshire, South Eger t al, Lord F., 1.ancaskire, South Eutwist ie. J.. Ruelut Ile Estcourt, T Si • O.( rd Cairersity E11510111, CatI. Thrtf,P1 Fancourt. Sir .1., Earns/We Fector,J. M., Ihwir Fielden, W., B nektons Fergti,on,“ , hire Feigitson, Sir It.. Id a barderry Fineh. G.. Stamford Fleetwood. P. IL, Preston Fleming, J., linoquhire. South Foley. E. T.. merefurdshire Follett. Sir W.. E.reter Forbes. Lord. looktf Forbes, W Stirlinyshire Forester. I Ion, G., Moloch Forster, C. S , 'alma Fremantle, Sir T., Buckinghant FresIttield, J. NV.. Pear/ups Goskell. J. M.. Wenkrek Geary, Sir W., lient, West GIndstotio, W. E.. Newark u.-T. Gladstone, T., Leicesh r Gotalricke. F. L. Sintrorri Gordon. Hon. W ., Aberdeenshire Gore, W 0., Shropshire, North Goring. II. IL. Shoreham Goullairo, Hon. IL, Cambridge UM- Goullr-rti, Stn.:rant, Le'certer Gr than,. Sir J , Cumberland, East brunt. Hon. F. W., Elgin 5" Nair* Greene. T., Lancaster Greisley, Sir R.. Der, yshire, South Greville, Sir C. J.. Warwick Grimston, Vise., Hertfordshire Grimston, Hon., E. St. Alban's Hallord, II., Le eestershre, S. liaise. J., St. her Hamilton. Lord C., Tyrone Handley, IL. Liscolns.,ire Haunter, Sir J., Shrewsbury Hamner. 11., Ayle•tury Hareourt, 0. G., Orin-44.1re Hann oge, Sir II„ LauncestOn hardy, J.. Bradfod Hawke*, T., Dad.'ey
Jlay es. Sir E., /banal
I feat %cot e, Sir li.. ItutiUsdshire ea t beide, 6.1., / ineoisohire niker.lord. Ego erloert. Hon. S.. Wilshire Snell Hers;es, lit, Ilu. J. C., Harwich JIM, Sir It., Shropsh.re, North 11111, Lord A. Dutenshire
Hogg, .1. IV., Bctarteg
Ilope,11on. .1., Lin:itity,arrh 're Hope. II. T., CIIIINCYSh r llotham, Lord, Leominster Illouldsworth. T Nottinghams. Iloy, J. B., S.,ut/eo, jilt a Ilughes, W. Lb/. rd City Ingham. R ids•Inglis, Sir R. II., Ito ford Culvert., g Inn, S.. Cepa(' rktat'. Wed tckson. J. D., Thoodoontridge Jeph.,,titi, C. 11., .1/allow jenny it, Earl. Borg St. Ed000n I. Johnston c, J. Thanfriesshiee Jones, T., 1.011■1, krb.17.,1 C. Jones, W., li old ;A /Kavanagh, , C. Krinsky, J. IL, 'ogira Kelly. lc Ipso ids
Kerr. O., Downyatrivk Kerrison, sir E..
Kirk. l'.. Carriels/S.,:,or Knatchbull, Sir L., ti, st East Xtoox, 1101, .1., Itun!,ao.ton Lawson, A.. Knoll Odor. ugh Lee, J. L., It "ells
Lein)), Thd,fin rnie.rsity Lefroy. A.. 1 ungliord
Lennox, Lord J. G.. Sussex, West Lenin, 11., Cal-mar/lull
Len is. W., Maidth.ire Leycester, .1., Cork City
Lincoln. Earl of. Nottingham, South Long. W North I.ou titer. 1 ord, Ws stmoretand ;souther. flint. (IC., ilrstusorrla,,d Loather. J. II , roil/
Lucas, F.. ..1/..ss!,/oto
Lyon, (In. Inn rest• e, /17. Islackionsiii, W. A., I yudoybon 111:telettra. tL, n. tio Mahon. Loot. I brt f rot 5landevi.L., k., too tingolonshire Simmers. Lot. lt . I icesiershirr, Marslatel. T., S'oclipurt Manic,. J.. Soiyo Mathew. Cale.tio, fhtteray C. Maxwell. 11., l'omn Meynell. 11.. Li:loora l es W , S daersctsLire, East _Niles, P. J.. Bri.old C.
Miller, W. IL. Newcastle-Is:L. Mortlannt. Sir J., Wartricksh. S. Morgan, C. M. It., Brecon' Neeld. J , Chily.enham • J , Crio Horde No• el, Sir G. N.. Hu'tandshire Norreys, land. otfordshire O'Neill, I Jun. J IL IL, Antrim Osstilston.1.11.. Norhumberld. 411wen, Sir J.. Pronto keshire Owen. IL. Peosars,ke Palmer, It.. Be, hdoire Patten, J. W., I ancashire. N. Peel, Colonel. Iltentingeb,n Peel, Sir IL, Tamtearth I'eel, Rt. lion. W. Y., Tamwarth Peel, E., Nero castle under. 1.yne Pelham, .1. C., Shrewsbury Pemberton. T.. Ripon
Penrothlocke, J. Wilton
Percet al, Colonel. Shp C. Phillipps, C. NI., Leicestersh., .V. Pigot, It., Bridy l'Iumpt re, J. P.. Kent, East 1'0111111, F., Bedford Pollock, Sir F.,, Iluatingdoon Powell, W. E.. Cardiganshire Freed, J. H., Borkinghamshire Pruett. W. M., Great Yarmouth Price, S.6.. Sandwich l'rice. It., Radnor l'ringle, A., Selhitkshire Posey. P., Berk hire Rae, Sir W., Buteshire Reid, Sir J. It Doerr Richards, J., KnareAorough }nekton!, W., Aylesbury Ridley, Sir M. W.. Newcastleu.-T. Robinson, G. R., Worcester Ross. C., No rthauletnn Ruslibrooke, R., Stelidk, West Russell, C., Reading
It y le, .1., Marelesiteld
Sandlot. Lord, Len rpool Sanderson. It., Co btester St-mien, 11on. It. C.. Norwio la S-:'oit. 1,1%1 J., RI,. IN' ,A•liire Sel1t Sir E. 1/.. I i. lip.lot F.eatirlield, W. IL Ila-erfiordwest Shaw, F., Dublin ilioerstly Sheppard, T., Frown
Sitaltorp, Colonel. / ioorooloo
Sioelair. G., Coition. vs • Smith. T. A., SMith, A., lb e',/i,r4,1, Smyth, Sir G. 11.. S' r I. laud Ii, ........... S,,iserset. tort( It. I: , Si.,.,. "it- S..r., ,..,1 • OF .1., ol.'
Shill: 4, 1,111,/, • 1.4,111111, ,
• . C.. 10• •
I. 11o,I, , '1%1111'1 Ilia,. A. I...
I lori.tchorelo
'1'eut,-1..t..1. , Towl,,•it I. fat .1. N. E.. //e/A.,2 Treneli, F., .`40.11id000,ugh 'Pieria. lion C. It ormarth.
T rev( .1., lion. A , Parham Turner, W.. /54re/d,nra Turner, T. E., Leicestershire, S .obt 'Ins is:. li.• i:ridpoie 'Evrrell, Sir J. T., Essex, 2V't.rth n, Sir It. W.. Ms riono thshire Vane, Sir 5'. East Verner. W., Artnayh C. Verney, Sir 11.. Buckingham Vet non, G. IL. East Itetfrorot Vesev, lion. T.. (hies n's C.
Viritin, E , Truro
Vy v yam Sir It R.. Bristol Wall, 5' IL. fIte1/4/thrd Waller, J., Berkstiire W S.. It., Grantham Wit Ito.!, R., Oxfordshire Whitmore. T. I'., erinlojs'nrtli Willualiant, Int. R., / easeaddre. S.
`.% T. l', Gress/ Marhae It. joador, Insrehester V% iltoo.t, sir E. E.. Irarreicksh. N. ;Ism,. II...stun/h. 'rest NV.H!‘.11011,.. 11011. I': Foos' Vi'saal, T.. /freslowsles,Vee Worcest er, ar. or.
AVortley, huh, .1. S., IlthJor ) valiant.
ynti. 5'. W. IV., Alontymni rn,hire Yorke, I.:. T.. Combrdgeshire Young, Sir W. L., Botkingltamohire Young, G. F.. Tgnenerath Youug, J.. Cavan t'omnty ABSENTEES. Belfast, Earl of. Antri,,, Benet% .1., Wiltshire. s..,•• Ilort:ett. Sir 1.',„ ,tooins'e r Caleraft. J. II Wareham iolooll, \V. F., Argykshire oltuti.tItt. 'nt. Nurthamidons. S. (-lento-to, Lord, Leitrim
Cobbett, W., Oldham
I 'ollsorne, N. W., Wills
wy it. L.. Glamorgangdre 1:1 hoe, Bight Huts E., Coventry Fergostio. It.. Haddingtomshiro Field:11, .1., ill/ hogs
5;Ivorne. Sir S. It., Flint Johnstone, sir J.. Scarborough niglitley, Sir C., Northampton, S. I angton, W.5; , Sonnerset. East Lennox, Lord A., Chichester Milton, Ltl., Northanadomslc. N. Pechell. G. IL, Briyht. a
Pollen, Sir .1., Andover
Pollington, Lord, l'ontofract Ponsoulsy. lion, W. E. S., Darretsh. Pryse, P.„ Cardigan
Sanford. E. A., Somersetshire, West Smith. Hon. It. J.. Hipon.be Smith, J. A.. Chiches!,r Stuart, Lord J.. Ayr Burghs Talbot, C. R. M., Mom rya's:hire Walpole, Lord. Nurfonk. East Wynn, Sir W. W., ikaighshire TELLERS.
Clerk. Sir G.. Edinburyh hire Wood, C., lia/ifos