Ebc 13Iadt
Cannot be made out until the votes on the Address have been mTertaineti. Many honest Reformers may have been entrapped into voting for, or not voting ar&nst, the Tory candidate. under the impression that there a ould lie no serious mutest. It is thetefore only fair to leave them a " place of repentance." In the mean while. however. it is right that the country should see how certain proles.,e11 Reformers and the Doubtful gentlemen voted on the Speakership, anti therefore we give the suljoined analysis. The names arc classified with reference to our ow n published lists of the !louse, and statement of the strength or parties .
Alma crib, P., Bolton Itainbridgc, E. T., Taunton Iisniug, XV. IL, Winchester Bernina. Lord G.. Lyme Brocklehurst, .J., Man elesfield Bulkeley, Sir It.. Auglesea Burrell, Sir C., Shorehans Canuing, Sir S., /.yros Copeland. 'W. T., Optimism Climes, J., Cirencester flaw:upon. J ...Stoke Eunton. 1st!. 1745:;,r4 Coring. II. la.. shore/loot 1141,e, .1., St. I.-es
Ilroulanne, ii, J., Lincolnshire
Iteat lacute. IlleVandslaire Ingham. IL, Sueli ShiA/ds Jep Lon, C. P., Nadu/.
Enos, J., Dungannon Lee, Lee J.. We/is Lentos, Lord .1. , West Sussex Long, W., Wilts/the, N. rth Martin, J.. Sligo
Noel, Sir G., Butlanishire Iticharils, J., Kaaresborouoih Ridley, Sir M. W., A'etteastle Scott, Sir E. IL, loiehjie.d Spry, Sir S.. Budntio Smart, I.onl Arundel Sorry. Earl. Sussex. West Tourer, W., Ilmo ',burn Verney, sir 11.. Bo clunlhans Vonotr, G. II., Ref r-1, East Wilson, ii.. Stir,/k, West Young. G. F.. l'Yht,").114 1. SUPPOSED REFORMERS WHO % OTED FOR MANNERS SUTTON. Milton. Lord. North onpicta.hire, Poteamby, Don. W., Dursetshire Pry se, l'.. Cordigan
Sanford. E. A.. Somerset, Smith. VV ?,montoe Stout,, J. A., Chitheqer Stuart, Lord J., Ayr Talbot, C. R. M., Glamorganshira
2. Doe.wrnms wilo VOTED FOR MANNERS SUTTON. .
A oger.tein. J.. Greentt ids Boiling, W., Bolton
Charlton. E. L.. Ludlow Cottle, Sir C., Quef n's C.
Dettimin. J. Noottinahonnthire, S. Dawer, Colonel, I'. rtarlinplon
Faitcottrt. • /farns'arre E4.1 kt), W.. Woolf urn 1-loli11‘ st I'. II,, Pies! n , 1,•■ Ir. I I . Stool rot ; ; I. Sir J., Cootie-Mood 0 .. Leo er,ler
II.o; out% 0.:1;,edshire
I 001) /;ot.,./:
II 00. II ri, ford ' I niirC , rt
Owen, s:. .1 . At,hire l'almer, II.. Berkshire Peel, E., Neweastle under-flaw Eelltatn..1. C Shrewsbury CM., leiceetershire Eluntiolse, J. P., West knot Itickliird, W., ilyiesterY Itobioson. G. R.. /Ctreester 1Z)le. .Vacclesfield hi',.,,, 11'!,!. %V. II . //arer/4rdreete Sqlelair, Si.. Caithness skim Smith, A Ilertforashire 51.. oley. Loill, Lancashire, North Sto% all, J.. 1.yrai010)ton
Talm....11, Grantham Thotovial, Alderman, Sunderland Walter, J., Bi rh■hire N% evlatal. IL. G robohire
Sir E., Irar-rio kshire, Tapps,'iV.,Cloris chuto Is 1.Sreeosi:9 R I:FORMERS WII0 WERE ABSENT.
.1 , /Ciitshirp, .1'.'
I a bit 1. XV. F , toad, I itrm
I: 11k,, E..
Fergu-on. It.. I.o.thino E. Oi)litte, Sir S.. I...Ile:hire
lloos aro.
Johnstone, Sir S., Scarf, r o gh 1.011; A.. Chicht.sb r 4. Dourreer.s wirer WERE ABSENT.
Earl tor. Atdrint Diluvu, L. W. Glamorganshire
ibirdett. Sir F.. Westminster Fiehfen..1., Oldham
Colborne. N. It., Wells Co1.1,ett, W., Oldham l'reloell, Captain, Bright,n .5. TORIEs ABSENT.
Caleraft, .1. 11 Wareham Pollen, Sir J.. Andorer Cartwright. IV., Northomplonsh. Pollingtort, Lord. Pon'sfract linightley, Sir C., A'orgaimptsh. S. Walpole, Lord, Norfoik E.