THE Nionit—A naval officer arrived at Cork, on board a
merchant-vessel from the coast of Africa, reports the'safe return of Mr. Jamieson's steamer the Ethiope to Fernando Po, after a successful expedition up the Niger. As the Ethiope be- gan its ascent of the river in July, and the vessel which brings this intelligence cannot haveleft the coast earlier than November, the voyage must have occupied four months. It is stated that both Dr. King and the master were in perfect health: there was another White man on board, of whom no mention is made. As the merchant-vessel by which this intelligence has been received is perform- ing quarantine, more ininute details are at present unattainable: but even this meagre intelligence must be welcome, not only to the gentlemen who have con- tributed liberally to assist Mr. Jamieson in the prosecution of his important expe- riment for establishing commercial intercourse with the interior of Africa, but to all who watch with interest the extension of our acquaintance with that myste- rious land.