Several Elections Have Taken Place, Of More Or Less...
—those for Rutlandshire, East Suffolk, Dorsetshire, and West- minster. By the three former, four Protectionists are returned in place of three Peel-Free-traders; in Dorsetshire......
The News Of The Ministerial Changes In England Had Produced
the expected salutary effect in the United States. The war- fever appears to substde ; and the two great tribes of the Anglo- Sa.xon race may yet colonize Oregon in brotherhood......
- The Only Measure Of Social Importance-discussed By The...
Chambers has been a pr(#et de loi to continue and extend the practice of keeping " livrets" for workmen in various manufac- tures and trades. The livret is a kind of register of......
- The Spanish Ministry Has Suddenly Broken Up, With Internal
dissension. The cause is not known, but is said to have been some disagreement about the marriage of the Queen. Probably, now that the country is quieter, and people have......
Debates Anti• 1,eiroczebingsinvarliauttnt.
• COMMERCIAL POLICE OF THE GOITER/MEET. The Holum of Commons resumed, on Monday, the adjourned debate on the motion for going into Committee on the Customs and Corn-importa-......