In answer to Mr. Dillwyn, the Uneer-Soozrtary of State for
Foreign Affairs had to state on Monday th,t Hafiz Pasha, re- cently decorated by the Sultan with an 0,:fier of Merit of the First Class, was unquestionably the person referred to by Mr. Baring in the report on the Bulgaria' n massacres of 1876 as having pillaged the town of Otlakeut, in Bulgaria, burnt the schools, the market-place, and all the best houses, and perpe- trated horrors over which Mr. Baring reported that he preferred "to draw the veil." Mr. Bourke did not know whether or not, as stated in the newspapers, Hafiz Pasha had just been made Governor of Constantinople. Nothing, however, is more certain than that the atrocities which Lord Beaconsfield still treats with sublime incredulity, notwithstanding his own Commissioner's report on them, are firmly believed in at Constantinople, and regarded there not as evidences of the most shocking ruffianism, but as testimonials to patriotic zeal.