Last Friday, Mr. Wheelhouse, The Conservative Member For...
to argue the case against Free-trade, and moved for a Committee to consider "the commercial rela- tions between England and foreign countries, especially in relation to the......
Questions Asked In The House Of Commons On Friday Week,.
and in the House of Lords last Tuesday, have elicited that the Government, though they regard the Treaty and other arrange- ments of Berlin as superseding practically the......
The French Clerical Organ Le Monde Passes A Most Im-
pressive eulogy on the people of Southwark for electing Mr. Clarke. It writes :—" Disinterested as we are in the matter, one thing strikes us,—the virtue of English patriotism.......
In Answer To Mr. Dillwyn, The Uneer-soozrtary Of State For
Foreign Affairs had to state on Monday th,t Hafiz Pasha, re- cently decorated by the Sultan with an 0,:fier of Merit of the First Class, was unquestionably the person referred......
The Election For Southwark Terminated In A Defeat For The
Liberals, the Conservative candidate, Mr. Clarke, obtaining 7,683 votes ; the Liberal, Mr. Dunn, 8,830; and the Labour candidate, who obtained, it is said, 500 Home-rule votes,......
Lord Derby's Speech On Lord Lawrence At The Mansion House
yesterday week was singularly happy and terse. The impression, he said, left by Lord Lawrence on his mind was one of "heroic simplicity." "I do not believe that any man was ever......
Mr. Plimsoll, Who Is Determined To Carry His Point Of
saving- British seamen, no matter at what cost to our Parliamentary- institutions, was accused on Tuesday night of a breach of privilege, for having placarded Westminster and......