The "A. D. C. :" being Personal Reminiscences of the University Amateur Dramatic Club, Cambridge. Written by F. C. Burnand, B.A. (Chapman and Hall.)—This is not a book which can be pro- perly estimated by a critic who views it from outside. He can hardly help thinking that it is by far too long. But it is quite possible that the parts which he would be disposed to retrench may have an interest for many readers. There are some who have taken a part in these dra- matic performances, more who have found pleasure in witnessing them, and not a few who, though without any personal interest of this kind, look upon all stage-stories of whatever kind as the most interesting of reading. And, of course, Mr. Burnand does the best possible with his subject, and tells, in connection with it, many good stories, never shrinking, on occasion, from raising a laugh against himself and his companions. Altogether, he has produced a volume which some will read through with delight, and in which many, using moderately the privilege of skipping, will find entertainment. But why does the writer venture beyond his " last "? There is no better authority on his own subject, but what could inspire him to pro- nounce an opinion on the merits and demerits of college dons ?