Mr. Grant Duff, on Thursday, called attention to the Report
by Colonel Macgregor on the possibility of sending 60,000 Indian troops to Armenia, rid Beloochistan, which was sub- mitted to the Indian Government in December,1876. This report, it is understood, was ordered from home, and it is held in some -quarters to indicate that Lord Beaconsfield had in his own mind prepared a great war against Russia. The Chan- cellor of the Exchequer knew nothing of the document, but Mr. Stanhope admitted that Colonel Macgregor had
been officially employed, and maintained that the report, which was published in the Statesman, belonged to the papers stored in the Intelligence Departnient of all armies. It could not, consequently, be presented to Parliament. Mr. Grant Duff then asked "whether any document as hostile to this country as this is to Russia had been found at Cabal," to which Sir Stafford Northeote refused a reply. A great deal too much is made everywhere of this class of paper. Govern- ments like exact information, and Marshal von Moltke has fifty detailed plans for the invasion of England in his pigeon- holes. That does not prove that Germany is going to invade England unnecessarily.