21 FEBRUARY 1914, Page 18


[To Tar Zones or on ••Elvzonvor."]

SIR,—In last week's issue your correspondent Mr. Balfour calls attention, as an interesting link with the past, to the case of our great-great-grandfather, James Duff of Banff, who fought in the action preceding Culloden, in the year 1745, and died in 1304; while one of his granddaughters is still alive and well. For those who are interested in such matters, it may be pointed out that longevity is a marked characteristic of the Duff family, many of whose members have passed their ninetieth year. General Sir James Duff of Kinstair, who died in 1839, was one of the few men who have held a commission in the British Army for upwards of seventy years. One Donald Duff of Perthshire was born in 1742, while his eon James did not die until 1894, the joint lives of father and son thus covering a period of one hundred and fifty-two years. The son of James Duff of Banff, quoted by Mr. Balfour, was Captain George Duff, killed at Trafalgar, his son Norwich being also present at the battle, though only thirteen years old. There cannot now be many persons living who can say, as his sons and daughters can do, that their father fought at Trafalgar.—We are, Sir, &c., THE AUTHORS OP THE BoOtr OF THE DUFFS."