21 FEBRUARY 1914, page 18

The Sale Of Honours.

[To no Zones or no .Svrornon."1 Sut,—It may interest many readers at the moment to be aseured that the attainment of honours by corrupt means is no modern invention, witness the......

Links With The Past.

[To Tar Zones or on ••Elvzonvor."] SIR,—In last week's issue your correspondent Mr. Balfour calls attention, as an interesting link with the past, to the case of our......

The Eurhythmics Of Jaques-dalcroze. [to Tor Rolvoo Or No...

Sin,—Anyone who devotes any time to the study of the Jacines.Dalcroze method is sure to be perpetually besieged by inquirers of every sort with the same questions on their lips......

A Game Of Swans.

[To TWO HOME Or Mr. •• EIrreT■7011...] Sin,—As names of multitude for birds have been given in your journal from time to time, the following extract from The Records of Romsey......

History Repeats Itself.

[To no EDITOR Or Tar . 1321. - 1 Sni,—In Baker's Chronicle, under the year 1660, I find the following pa eeege. After detailing the exceptions from Charles's Act of Indemnity of......

An 'arbor Day" For England.

[To vas Exerox cv Tea .Svrerwror...] Srit,—The interesting suggestion as to a national Arbor Day for schools, which is contained in last week's Spectator in the letter signed......

A Misquotation.

[To TIM Roma or Tor "Svrenvor."3 Srn,—In your article on "The Octavio, Hill Memorial" (Spectator, February 14th) you mention the rhyme referring to Tintock. This is given as- "......

The Horseflesh Act Of 1889.

[To no Boma or the .'Sramtros."] Sut,—At last I am drawn into the correspondence, if you will allow it! I see it stated that exported and diseased animals return as food; but I......