READABLE NOVEL8.—T1;e Paupers of Portman Square. By L A. R.
Wylie. (Cassell and Co. 6s.)—Seldom have we met people so amazingly unlike real men and women as the husband and wife and the chorus girl who figure in Mies Wylie's pleasant but conventional novel—From Pillar to Post. By Alice M. DiehL (John Long. 6s.)—A simple and romantic story. Miss Diehrs writing reminds us somehow of the French exercises of our schoolroom days.—The Waters of Lethe. By Dorothea Gerard. (Stanley Paul and Co. 60.)—It is difficult to believe in the persistent ill-luck and misunderstanding which dog the footsteps of Viktor Vogler; but he is an admirable hero, and his virtues are triumphant in the encl.—The Power of the Due/less. By Edward Quarter. (Chapman and Hall. 6e.)—Johnny and Martha, whose love affairs are the chief interest of Mr. Quarter's book, are a delightful couple ; and his writing is vivid and clever, although the inhabitants of his county town are incredibly snobbish.