Gypsy Coppersmiths in Liverpool. By Andreas. (Liverpool: Henry Young and
Sons. Is net.)-Touraal of the ,Gypsy Lore Society, Vol. VI., No. 4. (Liverpool Gypsy Lore Society.) -At the beginning of the twentieth, as of the fifteenth, century, there broke out an epidemic of wide wandering
among the mysterious race whom we call gypsies. The tribe of coppersmiths who made an incursion into Great Britain in 1911-13 are, in a qua° sense, the most important gypsy tribe now known. Their existence in France and Italy was first revealed to the Western world by Mr. Augustus John, whose account of their fabulous wealth, their magnificence, and their strange behaviour reads like a tale from the Arabian Nights. The little book in which "At ireas" reprints his impressions of these nomads is full of picturesque details, whilst in the accredited repository of gypsy lore Mr. E. 0. Winstedt gives a sympathetic amount of their manners and customs, and the- Rev. F. G. Ackerley discusses their dialect.