It must be remembered that the State is in a
peculiar -position with reference to the trade unions. It has not left them alone, as though they were groups of employers joined together in entirely free and independent organiza- tions for industrial purposes, but has legalized and con- ditioned their existence. If the Government attempted even in appearance to undo by legislation what has already been done by legislation they would make the Labour Party a present of a basis of unity. It is necessary to emphasize that we are not at all insensible to tho grievance of those trade unionists who have been intimidated into paying a levy of which they disapprove. The Morning, Post has been publishing some striking articles, based on the Report of the Chief. Registrar of Friendly Societies, showing the extent-to which the funds of the unions have been diverted from their original purpose to political ends. The aim of Mr. Macquisten's 13i11 is also ours ; we are only disputing his method. If the leaders of the Labour .Party are wise they will take the opportunity which will in effect be offered to them of seeing that justice is done within their own household.
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