Current Literature
Tr big schoolchildren can often translate idioms with astonish- ing fluency, we all know the ephemeral nature of such know- ledge : the number of educated Englishmen and women......
The Spectator Should Be On Sale At All Railway Book-
stalls and at most newsagents, and, except for a few isolated and distant areas, should be available on Friday. The Publisher would be grateful if readers would bring to his......
The Old English Gardening Books
The Old English Gardening Books. By Eleanour Sinclair • Rolide. New Aldine Library. (Hopkinson. 15s.) WE are always trying - to reach back to cur forbears ; to realize that they......
A Censorious Villain
Memoirs of Stephen Burroughs. Preface by Robert Frost. (Jonathan Cape. 12s. 6d.) THE memoirs of this great American rogue were first published in 1811 while he was still alive.......
Perils Of The Sea
Is Peril of the Sea, Mr. Lockhart has given an account, as far as possible from the most trustworthy sources, and without padding or purple patches, of the most notorious sea......