[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—The article in your issue for January 31st, entitled " New Medals for Old," refers to certain activities of the Royal Mint which are at the present the subject of discussion between various industrial organizations, including, as well as the Federation of British Industries, the London and Birmingham Chambers of Commerce, the Birmingham Jewellers and Silversmiths Association and others, and His Majesty's Treasury.
May I say that I think it very regrettable that while this lifficult and complicated question is actually under discussion with the Government, tendencious articles on the subject .should appear in responsible and influential papers ? For this reason we do not propose to deal in detail with the state.- Ments contained in the article, but would merely ask that .should the trading organizations at a later dat.e wish to state
more fully the ease as it appears to them. you would give theta the hospitality of your columns.-- 1 am. Sir, &c., TENNysox, Federation of British Industries. Deputy Director. 39 St. James's Street, London. 5.11'.1.
[We have long supported the action of the Mint (being convinced that, as in France, sue], action will be for the good of the industry as a whole), and we cannot consent now to have an embargo laid upon us as though the matter were comparable to a legal case which is sub judiee.-- ED. Spectator.]