21 FEBRUARY 1925, Page 17


[To the Editor of the SrEer.vroal

Sin,—The week-end newspapers refer to the recent adventures of a hunted fox. After being hunted for fifteen miles by the Cowdray Hounds, the animal sought refuge in a house near Petersfield. " It jumped through a window, and up a chimney flue," says one report. " Efforts to smoke it out having failed, workmen removed some bricks and the fox was got out, together with four live rabbits. The fox was given to the hounds."

Johnson, according to Mrs. Piozzi, once said : " It is very strange and very melancholy that the paucity of human pleasures should persuade us ever to call hunting one of them." Many good sportsmen share this old-fashioned -view to-day. After a hard run of fifteen miles, could not this fox have been