Coincidences are always interesting. I am told that the ecember
issue of the monthly journal Horizon appeared on he day that Sidi Barrani fell. It contained a review, by Mr. eorge Orwell, of General Sir Archibald Wavell's biography f I-Ord Allenby. Of that work the reviewer observes at the utset that " by giving a detailed picture of the commander a [General Wavell] most admires, it gives a hint of his own ualities and of the way in which he would act or want to act an emergency." He sums up Allenby as " perhaps the best a bad lot." He remarks that " he remains totally uninterest- ng—a fact which also tells one a good deal about General avell." and he ends by affirming " this time we need a different ad of rescuer. If we are saved it is not likely to be anyone horn General Wavell would admire." Perhaps not. General avell, so far as I know, has never expressed admira- on of the conqueror of Sidi Barrani, Bardia, Derna and tighazi.