Whenever A Coal Debate Occurs It Is Worth Listening To
some of the speeches, if only to be reassured that the dialects of Britain still survive. It was a delight to hear Mr. Ritson, of Durham, Mr. Tom Smith from Yorkshire, and Mr.......
An Interesting Debate On The Work Of The British Council
gave Mr. Butler a chance to show that where it has been most active, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus and Malta, there we have received greatest support in the war. I am afraid that this......
The Debate On The Means Test Was Turned Into A
demonstra- tion by the amendment. It is significant that the list of dissentients included Mr. Ellis Smith and Mr. Davidson, of Glasgow, both of them wholehearted supporters of......
Arachute Prerogative
The German wireless was almost plaintive about the dropping f British parachutists in Italy. Parachuting, it was intimated, as a purely German speciality, and for Great Britain......
Ative Labour Problems
The Commission appointed to enquire into the disturbances the Copper Belt in Northern Rhodesia last April has made report. Its findings, which have in all essentials been ac-......
Parlia,itentary Notes
Our Parliamentary correspondent writes : —There can be little doubt that the Prime Minister intends to raise the prestige of the post of High Commissioners. No other explanation......
Ood Supplies
The most critical of the questions which were put to Lord oolton in the course of a debate in the House of Lords last uesday on food supplies concerned not the quantity of food......