21 FEBRUARY 1969, Page 7

A hundred years ago

From the 'Spectator', 20 February 1869—The first Householder Parliament was opened on Tuesday, the 16th inst., in a speech read by the Lord Chan- cellor, which is analyzed in another column, and of which we need only say, in printers' parlance, that a very good advertisement is badly "displayed." The Queen was unable to attend in person, and consequently Parliament is going to attend on the Queen. presenting the Address in person, an un- usual though not absolutely unprecedented pro- ceeding when the Speech has not also been person- ally delivered. There was quite a little debate on Thursday about this ceremonial, and Mr. Disraeli seemed half inclined to oppose, but finally sup- ported. "because it is so important, and so desir- able that some personal relations should be estab- lished between Her Majesty and the new Parliament that has been elected." What a genius that man has for the high comedy of life!