21 FEBRUARY 1969, page 16
Central Planning For The Market Economy Vera Lutz...
Anti-planner RUSSELL LEWIS Central Planning for the Market Economy Vera Lutz (Longmans 50s) Hell knows no fury like a planner scorned. The publication of Dr Vera Lutz's book......
Turkish Delight
M. LLEWELLYN SMITH The Chanak Affair David Walder (Hutchin- son 50s) in September 1922, when the Greek army of occupation had been expelled from Asia Minor and the city of......
New Novels
Artless dodgers HENRY TUBE Morning, Noon and Night James Gould Coz- zens (Longmans 30s) The Sophomore Barry Spacks (Collins 21s) Cosmicomics Italo Calvin° translated by William......