21 JANUARY 1837, Page 11



On the 9th inst., at Coalstottn, Lady SUSAN RAWAy, of a daughter.

On the I ith inst., at Canaan Lodge, near Edinburgh, the Lady of Erman RANALD- SON MACDONELL. Esq., of Glengarry and Clattranahl, of is daughter. On the 17th inst., at Brighton, the Lady of Sir JOHN HALL, Bart., of Dunglass, of a son.

On the 17th inst., at his house in Portland Place, the Lady of B. B. WILLIAMS, Esq., of a son, still-born.

On the 18th inst., the Lady of the Rey. C. PARLEY VIVIAN, of a son,


On the 18th inst., at St. George's. Hanover Square, Lieut: Col, E. H. BRIDOEMAN, only son of the late Hon. and Rev. George Bridgeman, to Ilartarty EL:easel-it FRANCES, sister to the lute H. Hervey Atton, Esq. On the 14th inst., at Caversham Church, Oxfordshire. the Rev. ARTHUR N. RUCH- E:RI nos, M.A., to Louisa, youngest daughter of the late William VanderMegen, Esq., of Cane-end House, Oxfordshire, thi the 14th inst., at Clipston, Northamptonshire. 3 AIM: ROBERT CAMPBELL, Esq.. only son of the late Col. Campbell. to LILY ANNA MARIA, Widow of Augustus Charles Floyer, Esq., late of the Bengal Civil Service. On the 31st ult., at the British Ambassador's, Florence, THOMAS T. FAWCETT, Esq., of Loudon, to MARY, eldest daughter of Richard Edmonds, Esq., of Hatchara, Kent,


On the 20th inst., at Arran Lodge, Bognor, the Earl of ARRAN, in his 76th year. On the 1601 inst., at Shanks House, Dorset, the Right Hon. Viscount WEYMOUTH, in his 41st year. On the 17th inst., at her house in Privy Gardens, the Dowager Marchioness of EXETER. (In the 14th inst., of apoplexy, the Right Hon. Lord AUDLEY, in his 56th year. On the 15th inst., at Bromley Hill, the ft 'gin lion. Lady FARNHOR0U0H. On the 10th inst., at'fhoruham, Suffolk, in her 61st year. the Right lion. MARY, Dowager Lady HENNIKER, relict of the late John M Met Lord Henniker. On the 13th inst., at Tyringliam,JASIEs BACHWELI. PRA ED, Esq., M.P. for the county of Bucks, in his 57th year. On the 11th inst., at Murrell Green, Major-Gen. the Hon. Sir FrtEnFaRIeR CAVEN- DTsH Pot:seem K.C.B., Colonel of the Royal Dragoons, second son of the Earl of B.:shore:telt. After a short illness, PULCHERIE Nfarquise DE TOURVILLE, sister of the late Manmis De Summery. At the port of Spain, Lady JANE HILL, in her 60th year, daughter of the late Right Hon. Julio Heresi0tl, and consort of Sir G.E. Ilill. Bart.. Lieut -Governor of the Colony. On the 17th lust., stillangor. CHARLES BAGS. Esq., iu his ereh year. On the 19th inst,, atffiis house in Portland Place, al aRY lfffLDERoY, the Wife of B.B. Williams. Esq. On the 15th inst., in his 80th year. the Rev. GEORGE Ave Rv II A.m., M.A., Rector of the united parishes of St. Matthew, Ft iday Street, anti St. Peter. Westcheap. On the 5th inst., at the Manse Qt Mary kirk, Kineardineshire, in his 80th year, the Rev, JAMES Smarm, Minister of that parish, and formerly of the College Church, Aberdeen. On the 2:1 inst., at Brechin. the Rev JAMES BURNS, Senior Minister of that parish, in his 63d year, and the 39th of his ministry. On the 15th inst.. at Stockwell Place, Roe E wr BUCHANAN DUNLOP, Erq.,late Lieut.. Col. of the Light Horse Volunteers, in his SIst year. On the 140: inst., at Chertsey, WILLIAM HANKINs, Esq., in his 880 year. On the 16th lust., at her house iu Park Street, Grosvenur Square, Mrs. STEVENSON, in her 81st year. On the 12th inst., at Licelands, St irlingshire, in his 911 year, WILLIAM BAIN, Egg.. of Lied:Inds, late Lieut.-CoLof the 97th Foot. and Inspecting Field•Offieer of Volunteer Cot ps. and one of his Majesty's Justices for the County oh' Stirling. On the 14th, inst., Mr. THoMAs W I XEN, of Hampton. Middlesex, in his 87th year On the 14th iust., Mn, 'THOMAS MANTEL, OI Castle Street, Bloomsbury, in his 80th year. Ou the 7th inst., in West Maitland Street, Edinburgh, Mrs. Dr. lavitro, in her 98th year. On the 12th lost., Mrs. EratAxon. Nuoster. in her 94th year.

At St. Alban's, in her 82d year, MARY, daughter of the late Rev. Walter Serocold, a Cherry hinton, Cambridge.

At Ilighbury Park. Joust Witarts. Esq.. in his 73,1 year. At Milder:hall, Mrs. FRANCES SWALE, in her Stith year. ALLAN Si EWART, Esq.. of Itunrannoch, Scotland, in his 85th year. At Irma SI LEE, Esq.. of lleccombe I louse, st. Thomas, near Exeter, in his 79th year. In Aberdeen, Mrs. It A %TER. iu her Seth year. (In the 5th Dee., V% mil AM TiloMAs, in his lith ; on the 12th Dee., ELLEN ANNE. in her 3:1; int the 1401. Louisa, in her 711,; and on the 16th inst., FANNY LUCY, in her 411 year; children of W. Chapman, Esq., of Richt:mud, all of seerlet fever.