21 JANUARY 1837, page 8


Ministers have prevailed on the King to make three new Lords, and to give three who are already in the House of Incurables a step in the Beale of promotion. The three new......

The Reverend Sydney Smith Is A Thorn In The Side

of the Bishop of London. Some time ago we noticed a protest of the Dean and Chap- ter of St. Paul's against the Bill for transferring Cathedral patronage to the Bishops, by......

A Hostile Encounter Took Place At Pads On Monday Mowing,

in the Bois de Boulogne, between Major Andrews and Lieutenant Barker, Loth in his Majesty's service. The meeting arose out of a discussion on 'intim: y tactics. After three......

Sir Robert Peel Has Arrived At Drayton Manor, From Sir

James Graham's scat, Netberby Hall. His house in Privy Gardens is ordered to lie ready for his reception by the :3Ist. Lord Lyndhurst left Paris on Wednesday night, for London.......