E'br Court.
THE accounts from Brighton arc more favourable this week than the lust. The King is quite well, and the Queen much better. The Dutchess of Gloucester has also rallied, and hopes of her recovery are entertained. The King has taken several rides in the neighbourhood of Brighton, with Lady De Lisle and the Princess Augusta. There has been very little dinner-company at the Palace ; and the callers have been generally military officers. As the King gives no grand parties, people seem to think it useless to leave their names at his Lowe.
The Duke of Sussex, who is on a visit to Colonel Wildman at Newstektd Abbey, nearly encountered a serious accident, on Sunday afternoon : his carriage was driven against a post on the side of the road near Newark, and was shuttered to pieces ; but his Royal High- ness was not in the least hurt.
The Crown Prince of Hanover is expected in London towards the latter end of next week. The Dutehess and his son remain at Berlin. Prince George is as blind as ever.