Even in these times of workmanlike compilations and typogra- phical
miracles, the Pocket Guide to Modern Geography is quite a wonder. In a smaller compass than that of many card-cases, here are thirty-three maps, consisting of the world, its four quarters. the kingdoms and atates of Europe, the leading ones of Asia and America, and that fifth quarter Egypt, besides • tables Of-the, coms pa rative heights of the mountains and the length of the rivers in cur globe. In addition to this, there are between sixty arid seventy pages of letterpress, which give the leading outlines 9r geogra- phy, and into which an immense number of positive geographical facts are crammed, regarding the surface, population, mountains, lakes, rivers, and so forth of each country, as well as its provin- cial divisions and the chief towns it contains. For the accuracy of all these facts we cannot pretend to speak ; those we have looked at are correct. If a name be any guarantee, Mr. WALLACH of Glasgow is the compiler.