There is some discontent among the Halifax Radicals respecting Mr.
Protheroe, who is supposed to be too Whiggish. The Leeds Times recommends them to discard that gentleman, and invite Colonel Charles Napier. But they would do well to consider whether they are likely to carry any otia-r person than Mr. Protheroe ; who is pledged to vote for several very Liberal measures, though he is not a thoroughgoing Radical.
A report has been circulated that Captain Dundas is to be a Lord of the Treasury ; but the drills/ire Independent positively contra. dicts it.
The Anglesea Whigs boast, that, with the aid of Lords Anglesea, Dinorben, Newborough, and other Liberal proprietors, they shall cer. tautly elect their candidate, Mr. Owen Stanley.
In Carmarthen, the Reformers have secured a majority which will enable them to turn out Mr. Lewis, the present Tory Member, on the first opportunity.
No doubt whatever is entertained that, at the next election for North
Northamptonshire, a Reform Member will be sea. to neutralize the votes of Lord Brudenell.—Lincoln Mel cury, The members of Grantham Town- Council, of all political hues, have received an invitation to dine at Denton, with Sir William and Mr. Welby, M.P. It has been given out that Mr. A. Tolle- mache, the present Member, will not again offer himself, but that his brother, Mr. Frederick, will be substituted.—Lincolu Mercury.
Mr. J. B. l'raed, Member for Buckinghamshire, died on Sunday. His brother, Mr. Tyringham Praed, will be invited to succeed him in the representation of the county. There has been an uncommoa mortality among the Members of the House of Commons this sea- son within a few weeks, Lord Forbes, Sir Michael Shaw Stewart, Mr. Ramsden, and Mr. Praed have died.
A meeting has been held at Banbury, at which Mr. Tancred, the Member for the borough, met his constituents, and, much to their satisfaction, explained his intended course of proceeding in the coming session of Parliament. Mr. Tancred supports the Ballot, Peerage Reform, Abolition of Church-rates, and Justice to Ireland.—.Ayles- bury News.
It has been asserted that a negotiation is now going on for trans- ferring the representation of West Somerset from Mr. Tynte to Sir T. B. Lethbridge. We have once before stated that this assertion is wholly false and without foundation. Mr. Tynte has never contem- plated retiring from the representation so long as his constituent.; are willing to confide their interests to his care, and Sir T. B. Lethbridge would not accept the post if it were offered to him. The story is al- together a fabrication.—Somerset County Gazette.
It is said that Mr. Arthur Trevor will "consider it his duty" to retirefrotn Parliament in the next election. Among his Tory friends at Durham, Mr. Trevor goes by the name of the " Bad Bargain."
No person can be registered as a county voter at the next registra- tion, in respect of any property which he may have purchased after the 30th day of the present month of January'. Those who intend to qua- lify themselves to be entered as voters for the next year, should there- fore complete their purchases, ur their agreement to purchase without delay.