The mills of the associated masters at Oldham arc still
closed against their workpeople ; and on Monday a number of the master cotton-spinners of Leeds added to the extent of the disastrous affair, by causing a turn-out of their spinners. They refuse to give any longer a higher rate of wages than for some time previous to the Oldham turn. out they were giving, unless the other employers will give a like ad- vance ; and thus the number of hands out of employment is increns- ing. Hundreds of families are already reduced to an indescribable state of misery and destitution ; great numbers are living on wretched substitutes for ordinary food, and getting meals of this sort " few and far between."—/Manchester At the Hereford County Sessions, on Tuesday week, a beggar, named Castree, was indicted for stealing a slice of bread. The prisoner went into the kitchen of Mr. John Davis, of Kentchurch, and asked charity. The family told him to go away, as they would give him no- thing. He said he must have something, and took up a knife, and cut a large slice of bread off a loaf. The Jury found hint guilty; and the Chairman sentenced him to be transported for seven year !—Herepti Journal. [Lord John Russell must commute this sentence to one in some degree proportioned to the offence ; and if he were to advise his Majesty to stlike the Chairman of the Hereford County Sessions off the Commission of the Peace, he would be doing no more than his duty.]
Mr. Stevenson, a farmer residing at Lee Chapel, Laindon, in Essex, was returning from Romford market on the evening of Wed- nesday week, in his gig, when lie was attacked suddenly on Laindon- hill by three hiehwaymen. He informed the robbers that lie was armed, and wartnol theta off: they told him to " shoot on ;" he tired one of his pistols, loaded with shot, in the face of one of them ; womuled another also in the face with his other pistol ; and frightened the third off by pretending to pick up another pistol from the inside of his !gig. He then whipped his horse, and escaped with a few bruises received from one of the ruffians, who struck him with a blud- geon from behind.
Mr. Rile, a banker in Taunton, shot himself with a pistol, on Sunday, in a fit of insanity.