After official hours on Saturday, Government Securities improved 1, upon a rise of nearly 2 per cent in French Stocks, and pacific impressions suggested by the arrival in -Paris of Count Creptowich, son-in-law of Count Nesselrode, and Russian Minister at Brussels ; and although the upward tendency on the Bourse was unexplained in the French accounts on Monday, Consols were then done as high as 931. They subsequently fell I, and from that time the Funds have presented daily a very'unsettled appearance. On Tuesday they experienced a further depression of 1, and Console closed at 921 f. On Wed- nesday the settlement of the Account took place; it was also the first public transfer-day since the shutting of the Bank-books. Several dividends were reinvested, and the Funds rallied S; an abundance of Stock, delivered on be- half of some extensive firms, then caused a fall to 921; from which there was a trifling reaction : lower prices from France, and unfavourable ac- counts that afternoon from Vienna regarding the rate of exchange and the chances of war, added to the gloom. Yesterday the Funds fell 1 per cent, through intelligence from Paris of a similar decline on the Bourse, and conveying the rumoured rejection by Russia of the Vienna propositions : Consols, after being at 911, closed at 91/ 2. The South Sea Company gave notice on Saturday, that advances will be made on their Stock at 8 per cent for a period not to extend over three months. The former notice caused dis- satisfaction, as the interest charged was 4 per cent, and the loans were limited to two months. On Monday it was intimated that the Company had instructed their brokers to purchase the Stock of any proprietor willing to realize, at 115, without waiting for the act of Parliament authorizing the division of the Funds. But the price offered is not approved of, because at the meeting on the 5th instant it was stated that the estimate formed from the amount of funds for division was 1161. 13s. 4d. At the meeting of the proprietors yesterday, it was resolved to permit the bill to be brought before Parliament as proposed by the Directors, who undertake to withdraw the clauses relating to the formation of a trust company, if they prevented the passing of the measure, which also provides for winding up the concern. Money has been worth from 21 to 3 per cent this week on Government Securities. Accounts from Paris yesterday mentioned that the Bank of France had raised its rate of discount to 5 per cent. Today Console opened at 92, and after some changes close at 911 f. India Stock is 3 lower this week ; and Exchequer Bills Is. Bank Stock has not altered.
Foreign Stocks, influenced by Consols, have been heavy in several in- stances. A decline has taken place in the following—Austrian, Danish Three per Cents, and Venezuela, 2 ; Belgian and Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 1; Dutch Four, Spanish Three per Cents, and Deferred, 1 ; Mexican,
DThe improvement has been—Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, and and Portuguese Four per Cents, 1 ; Granada Deferred, A. Railways were buoyant at the opening on Monday ; the principal Shares rose from 10s. to II. Since Monday, great flatness has prevailed ; the ad- verse state of the English market causing repeated sales. Yesterday, Lon- don and North-Western closed at 100* 11, and Great Western at 801 I. The decline in some of the leading lines compared with last Saturday's was to the following extent—Lancashire and Yorkshire, 11.15s.; Midland, North British, and South-Eastern, 11. 10s. ; Great Western, and London and North-Western, 11. 58. ; Caledonian, Great Northern, Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, South Wales, and York and North Midland, 11. ; Chester and Holyhead, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 108. London, Brighton, and South Coast, have improved 21. 10s. ; and Norfolk, 11. In Foreign Shares, the depression has been—Luxembourg, and Paris and Stras- bourg, 12s. 6d. ; Paris and Lyons, and Western of -France, 10s. ; Namur and Liege, and Sambre and Meuse, Ss. Rouen and Havre have improved 10s. Today no alteration has taken place in the English lines; Foreign Shares are rather lower.
The English Funds have improved f this morning, although no foreign in- telligence of a favourable nature has arrived. Consols are now 911 2 for Money and Account. Exchequer Bills 7 10. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows an increase of 238,0601. In Foreign Stocks no change-has yet occurred. Railways are a little stronger, but little atten- tion has been paid to the market. Great Western mark 81, and London and North-western, 101/. SATURDAY, Two o'CLocw. The English Funds have fallen since the morning, upon a variety of rumours and speculative sales ; only I rally has since occurred, Consols clo- sing at 911 1 for Money and Account. Exchequer Bills 7 10. Foreign Stocks have been very heavy, and the following have declined—Buenos Ayres, 2—having been done at 60 ; Portuguese Four, Russian Five, and Four-and-a-half per Cents, 1; Spanish Three per Cents, and Deferred, /. Venezuela have been done at 274. Railways leave off flatter ; these are the latest transactions—Ambergatel Notts, Boston, and Eastern Junction, 41; Caledonian, 514 ; Eastern Counties, 121; East Lancashire, 611; Great Northern, 831; Great Western, 81; Lan- cashire and Yorkshire, 621; London, Tilbury and Southend, 81; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 981; London and North-Western, 101 ; London and South-Western, 77 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 201; Mid- land, 601 ; Norfolk, 47 ; Shrewsbury and Birmingham, 58 ; South Wales, 311 ; York, Newcastle, and Berwick Extension, 11; York and North Mid- land, 451; Northern and Eastern 5 per Cent, 61 Eastern Counties Ex- tension 5 per Cent, No. 2, 11 prem. • Great Northern 5 per Cent, 119 London and Brighton New Guaranteed 6 per Cent, 143; York and North Midland H. and S. Purchase, 91; East Indian, 231 ; Great Indian Pe- ninsula, 61; Namur and Lie e, (with interest) ; Paris and Lyons, 231; Paris and Strasbourg, 29 . Mines—Agua Fria, lf; Brazilian Imps- (issued at Si. prem., 51, nited Mexican, 31, Joint Stock Banks— Australasian, 771; British North American, 63; Oriental Bank Corporation, 45; Union of Australia New, 71. Miscellaneous—Australian Agncultural, 401; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 611; Peel River Land and Miner/ill 4/; Scottish Australasian Investment, 21; South Australian Land, 37.
3 per Ceat Consols
Danish 3 per Cents 81 3 Dian for Account
911 91
Dutch 24 per Cents 61 2 3 per Cent Reduced
Ditto 4 per Cents 934 44 34 per Cents Long Annuities . 5 924 3-16 16 Mexican 8r Cents
Peruvian 44 pe per Cents
66 23 i
Bank Stock
216 18 Ditto Deferred S per Cents .. 47 9 Exchequer Bills.
7 10 Portuguese 4 per Cents 38 40 India Stock
237 40 Russian 5 per Cents 107 9 Austrian 5 per Cents
86 9 Ditto 44 per Cents 89 91 Brazilian 5 per Cents
96 8 Spanish 3 per Cents 41 2 Belgian 44 per Cents
91 3 Ditto Deferred 194 20 Ghilian 6 per Cents
190 3 Sardinian 5 per Cents 87 9 Danish 5 per Cents
99 101
Swedish 4 per Cents 85 90