The Retirement Of Sir Robert Inglis From Parliament...
new election of a Member to represent Oxford University. Many will regret the departure of Sir Robert, for other reasons besides that of entailing the preliminaries of election......
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Otrr-noon exercise and in-door recreation form the simple records of the Court ; the Queen driving with the children, or walking with the Coun- tess Walewski and the Marchioness......
The Question Of Prince Albert's Intervention In Political...
without the slightest evidence of his having intervened in politics at all, has at last received something like official recogni- tion, since Mr. Greville, the Clerk of the......
Mr. Merewether, Mr. E. Tyrell, Mr. Stuart Wortley, Mr. Charles Paarson, Sir John Key, and a number of other officers of the Corpora- tion, have given evidence this week before......
The Education Movement, Which Has Acquired So Much...
all parts of Great Britain, has received two conspicuous impulses this week,—from the meeting of the National Public School Asso- ciation at Manchester ; and from the speech of......