Mr. Hulls); after having with such energy and perseverance accom-
plished the erection of a building which is in many respects the finest music-hall in London, seems now to be in the way of reaping the reward of his exertions, and at the same time giving the public the benefit of them, by making the grandest musical performances accessible to the great body of the people upon terms unprecedented even in these days of comparative cheapness. On Wednesday evening The Creation was per- formed at St. Martin's Hall, under Mr. Hullah's own direction ; the price of admission, for the bulk of the audience, being only a shilling. Great and general interest was excited ; and not only was the hall crowded, but numbers were unable to obtain entrance. The performance was in every respect satisfactory. The three solo parts were sustained by Miss Birch, Mr. Luckey, and Mr. Weiss ; and the choruses were sung by a body who may now challenge competition with any choristers in London—the elite of the scholars of Mr. Mullah's upper singing-schools, for many years instructed and trained under his own superintendence. No performance of Haydn's beautiful work ever gave us more pleasure. The airs and solo concerted pieces were finely sung, and the choral and orchestral effects were developed with greater clearness and more real power than we have often heard displayed by much larger numerical strength. We observe that this fine performance is to be repeated next week ; and we trust that it is the commencement of a long series, in- cluding the greatest choral works of the ancient and modern schools, both sacred and secular.