The Paris food fund, set on foot some time ago
by " J. T. K.," has, we believe, been amalgamated with the "French Relief Fund, in aid of Paris and the suffering districts throughout France," of which the Daily Telegraph, responding to the appeal of the Bishop of Versailles, has taken charge, and for which it receives subscrip- tions. We heartily recommend it to the generosity of our readers. It was stated, we believe and hope on very doubtful authority, that the Germans will refuse external aid for Paris when it falls, on the very generous ground that they wish the capital to feel in every petty detail how dependent it is on Germany. If this be true, which we doubt, and the resolve be persevered in, there will still be, unfortunately, only too much scope for the fund in the desolated districts of central France, where famine would prevail for a year to come in the absence of external aid.